What's new

NEWS 2024

September 15

Added the next show we will go to

June 3

Added the next show we will go to.

January 3

IC S*Froztstjärnan's Zante (Texas)

7 January 2017 - 16 December 2023

It has been two weeks since I had to say goodbye to my sweet boy Texas who left us way too early. Sweet dreams my "lelle onge", I will love you forever.

NEWS 2023

December 3

Nu kan du köpa vårt populära TALK för show- och vardagspreparering. Detta såldes tidigare via vårt företag pet care by W.

Updated the show page for 2023 and also the about me page.

June 12

It's been a long time since anything happened here but today I've updated the show pages for 2022 and 2023 and also the about me page.

NEWS 2022

September 18

New show results can be found HERE.

May 24

New show results. Added the next show we will go to. Read more HERE.

May 4

New show results

April 25

Added the next shows we will go to. Read more HERE.

Updated the About Me page.

NEWS 2021

September 19
New show results are published as well as the next show we will go to. Read more HERE.

September 13
It's been over 1,5 years since we went to a cat show but this weekend it's F I N A L L Y happening. Read more HERE.

June 16

Life doesn't always work out the way that you wish for it to do. When we imported Gina from the Czech Republic we had the hope that she would be our first MCO breeding queen. Unfortunately, she has had two stillborn litters without the vets finding any explanation to why despite taking multiple tests and ultrasounds. After giving it some serious thought, I decided to neuter her and even though I love Maine Coons, I will focus on my primary breed and the breed that is closest to my heart - the Norwegian Forestcat.

March 25
Updated Gizmo's page

March 18

Updated the About me section.

NEWS 2020

December 15

It breaks my heart to tell you that Gina gave birth to four dead kittens yesterday. They weren't fully developed, only approx. 5 cm long, so they have died earlier during the pregnancy. This is really sad but Gina is doing fine and that matters the most. <3

November 29

Gina keeps on putting on weight and has gained another 100 grams since last week. Total weight gain is now approx. 800 grams.

November 18


I'm very happy to say that it looks like we will have kittens in mid-December. Read more HERE.

October 19

Gina has been on a date and in a couple of weeks we will know if she will have kittens in mid-December.

January 19

Added the judges to the next cat show we will go to.

NEWS 2019

December 23

May we introduce our new family member -

S*Little L's Unforgettable Fire, NFO n 03 24

Thank you so much dear Sylvia for letting Fire be a part of our family.

September 8

Added the next show, and judges, we will go to. Read more HERE.

July 9

EP S*Supernatural's Attitude Problem (Atlas)

10 May 2004 - 9 July 2019

Sweet dreams my misseman, I will love you forever.

June 7

It's been a long time since we went to a show but tomorrow it's time again. We're really looking forward to it. Read more HERE.

A couple of weeks ago Gina went to the vet to have a HCM-scan. I'm happy to say that she has a healthy heart.

January 25

I have a new last name and e-mail address so please update your contacts accordingly.

Name: Pernilla Winterskiöld

E-mail: pernilla_winterskiold@hotmail.com

January 21

I'm very sad to tell you that the night between yesterday and today Gina gave birth to a very underdeveloped fetus. We really looked forward to our first Maine Coon litter but the most important part is that Gina is feeling fine. <3

NEWS 2018

December 20


I'm very happy to say that Gina seems to be pregnant and the kittens will be born around the 25th of January. Read more HERE.

December 5

We're so proud of our sweet boy Atlas. At Spinneriet's Club Championship last weekend he became Best Veteran. Texas was also attending and got a very nice judgement.

November 25

Gina has been on a date. Read more HERE.

November 11

A big Happy Birthday to Supernatural's B-litter (Bosse Bus, Lilla Gris and Toffsan) on your 12th birthday. And a huge thank you to your owners who has taken such good care of you thru all the years.

September 29

Updated with test results (HCM and PkDef) for Texas and Gina.

Updated marks of distinction for Atlas.

September 19

Updated with new show results. Take a look HERE.

September 8

Updated with new show results and the next shows we will go to. Take a look HERE.

August 16

Added the next show we will go to. Take a look HERE.

July 12

Updated with the latest show results.

June 21

Added the next show we will go to. Take a look HERE.

May 21

Gina show premiered yesterday and ended up 3rd in her class with a very nice judgement. She needs time to grow since she is very much a teenager still and her ears are also a bit high set which we hope will fall down a bit when her head develops. We also brought our old guy Atlas with us for her to have as company and he became Best In Show Veteran. We're so happy and proud of our sweet fur balls.

May 15

This weekend Gina will do her show premiere! She teams up with our grand old guy Atlas who had his bath today. Atlas is such a sweetie to bathe. He just sits there all by himself without any fuss while I shampoo him. :)

May 11

Happy Birthday to our cuddly, purring girl Gina on her very first birthday.

We love you sweetheart! 💗

May 10

Today we wish our sweet, talkative, cuddly boy Atlas a big Happy Birthday on his 14th birthday.

We love you! 💗

May 7

Updated with new show results. Read more HERE.

May 1

Added the next show that we will go to. Take a look HERE.

April 23

Today Texas went to the vet and had his HCM-scan done. I'm very happy to say that everything looked normal. :)

April 4

We're so proud of our sweet boy Texas. At the Scandinavian Winner Show this weekend he became Champion and Best of Variety Total.

We've waited almost 5 months to take him to a new show because the last time he wasn't too happy about it. But I'm very glad to tell you that this time he handled it so much better.

January 10

The Swedish Cat of the Year-results have just been published and we can't be more proud of our sweet boys Atlas & Texas.

❤️ S*Froztstjärnan's Zante (Texas) ❤️



❤️ EP S*Supernatural's Attitude Problem (Atlas) ❤️


NEWS 2017

December 24

S*Supernatural's wish you all a Merry Christmas.

December 17

I finished Pawpeds G2-course a couple of days ago, yaaay me, and are now waiting for an opening in the G3-course.

November 13

We're so proud of our sweet boy Texas who, only 10 months old, won his class and became BOV-Total both days this weekend. We're also very proud of S*Supernatural's No Spin who became Ex1 and Nominated to Best in Show on Saturday.

November 6

Added the judges to the next show we will go to.

November 1

Updated with new show results and the next show we will go to.

October 16

We have a new edition to our family. Say hello to OranGina by Imagine Glamour*CZ

Thank you so much dear Radka for this sweet girl. We are so happy that she's a part of our family. <3

Texas did so good at the show this weekend. You'll find the results HERE. I've also added the next shows we will go to.

September 23

We are so proud of our sweet Texas. He did fantastic at the MCO championship today. You'll find the results HERE.

September 21

Added the next show we will go to.

September 13

We've had a great weekend at the show in Gothenburg. You will find the results HERE.

September 4

Added the judges to the next show we will go to.

September 3

One of the downfalls of being a cat owner/breeder is when you have cats that doesn’t get along. For 4 months we have tried to get Mini to accept Texas but unfortunately without any success. It has literally required blood, sweat, tears and energy, but unfortunately it did not help no matter how much we wished for it to work out. Mini has therefore moved to a new, great home today. There she will be a single cat, which we think suits her very well. My sweet little sock thief... I'll miss you. <3

Thank you Annika for giving me the privilege of being Mini's mom for two years, for all your understanding, all the tips, help with relocation and above all because you are you. <3

September 2

Added the next shows we will go to.

August 13

Updated with new show results. Read more HERE.

August 7

In the middle of September I will start Pawpeds G2 course. Read more about it HERE.

July 31

Added the judges to the next show we will go to.

July 11

S*Supernatural's Big Hit has now moved to his forever home. We are so happy for him and wish him and his new owner all the best.

July 10

S*Supernatural's Shuffle Up And Deal has now moved to his forever home. We are so happy for him and wish him and his new family all the best.

Our sweet boy Texas got his rabies vaccination and passport today. That means that he's ready to go to the World Winner Show in Holland in October. :)

July 8

S*Supernatural's No Spin and S*Supernatural's Eye In The Sky have now moved to their forever homes. We are so happy for them both and wish them and their new families all the best.

July 7

S*Supernatural's Fifth Street has now moved to her forever home. We are so happy for her and wish her and her new family all the best.

July 7

Our sweet kittens all passed the veterinary exam with flying colours and have had no reaction to the vaccine. That means that they're now ready to move to their new families.

July 6

Time for the kittens to get their second vaccination, ID-chip and health certificate.

July 5

Time flies... The Casino-litter is already 12 weeks old and will soon move to their new families. Take a look at the 12 week pictures HERE.

July 3

We are so proud of our sweet boys Texas and Atlas. They got fantastic results at the show in Karlstad this weekend. Read more HERE.

June 29

Now you can see 11 week pictures of the Casino-litter. Take a look HERE.

June 28

The Casino-litter is already 11 weeks old. Pictures will hopefully be published tomorrow. Stay tuned...

June 24

10 week pictures of our sweet kittens have finally arrived. Take a look HERE.

June 21

The Casino-litter is 10 weeks old. Pictures will be published later this week. Stay tuned...

June 20

The kittens have recieved their certified pedigrees.

June 19

We are so proud of our sweet, charming boy Texas. Yesterday, at Dackekattens show, he got Ex 1 and NOM. That qualifies him for World Winner in Holland in October. :) The show page is also updated with the next show we will go to.

June 14

Time flies... Our adorable, funny kittens are already 9 weeks old. Take a look HERE.

June 11

Today the kittens experienced a new thing; claw cutting. They all did great considering it was their very first time.

June 10

8 week pictures of the kittens have finally arrived. Take a look HERE.

June 7

Another week with a lot of traveling which means that 8 week pictures of the kittens will be published this weekend. Stay tuned...

June 5

The Casino-litter got their first vaccination today and mom, Mini, got her yearly refill. :)

June 1

S*Supernatural's Big Hit is booked.

May 31

We are now back on track with publishing kitten photos on the correct day. Our cute, funny kittens are 7 weeks old today. Take a look HERE.

May 28

6 week pictures of the kittens have finally arrived. Take a look HERE.

May 23

6 week pictures of the kittens will be published later this week due to us traveling a lot the upcoming days.

But as you all know... All good things come to he who waits. :)

May 18

Our sweet kittens are 5 weeks old. Take a look HERE.

May 15

S*Supernatural's Shuffle Up And Deal is booked.

May 14

S*Supernatural's No Spin is booked.

May 13

S*Supernatural's Eye In The Sky is booked.

May 12

S*Supernatural's Fifth Street is booked.

May 10

A BIG Happy Birthday to the A-litter that turns 13 years old today.

Updated the SHOW-page with the next shows we will go to.

The Casino-litter is 4 weeks old. Take a look HERE.

May 3

3-week pictures of the kittens are now published. Take a look HERE.

April 30

A Maine Coon kitten captured our hearts a while back and finally he has arrived. 😎

Meet our new family member, S*Froztstjärnan's Zante, aka Texas.

April 29

It's not long now until they start leaving the kitten box, and discover the surroundings a bit more, so today we expanded their living area a little bit.

Tomorrow will be a very exciting day. Our family will grow...

April 26

2 week-pictures of the kittens are now published. Take a look HERE.

April 22

The kittens have received their names.

Say hello to Shuffle Up And Deal, Big Hit, Eye In The Sky, No Spin and Fifth Street. The little one that left us also got a name; Runner-Runner.

April 21

The kittens are getting bigger by the day and all of them have now opened their eyes.

April 20

As a celebration for spending 15 awesome years as an employee at Casino Cosmopol, I have decided to name the kittens after casino terms. Just have to decide which ones. :)

April 20

The kittens are one week old and have gotten their own pages with pictures. Read more here.

April 15

After two more visits to the animal hospital Mini is doing much better and she's taking really good care of her babies. The veterinarian also confirmed that it's two males and three females.

Fingers crossed that everything will be ok from now on.

April 13

Yesterday evening Mini gave birth to four beautiful kittens. Early this morning another two was born. One of the last ones was unfortunatley underdeveloped and stillborn.

Mini is not feeling well so we've been to the vet and Mini got antibiotics and fluid under the skin. Hopefully she'll feel better soon.

April 11

I finished Pawpeds G1-course a couple of days ago, yaaay me, and are now waiting for an opening in the G2-course.

April 8

With approx 1 week left until the babies arrive, Mini has gained 1,3 kilos. I'm guessing 4 babies. :)

April 7

Mini keeps growing. Not long now until the babies arrive. We are so excited. :)

March 30

Mini has gained 1,1 kilos so far, with approx 2,5 weeks to go. I'm wondering how many kittens she'll have? :)

March 26

Mini is getting bigger by the day. We're really looking forward having kittens again. It's been way too long since the last time.

March 14

I'm very happy to say that Mini is showing every sign of being pregnant. The kittens will be born between April 11-20. Read more here.

February 4

Mini  is now  in heat and has gone to see her date.

January 31

Plans have been made for the beginning of 2017.

NEWS 2016

October 8

Updated  Show results from Nyköping and Norway.

July 17

After a short break I finally have a new webpage up and running. As always you will probably see a few changes now in the beginning but hopefully it will just be for the better. I hope you will enjoy the site.